A 2-minute Walk

30 July 2007

The brochure clearly states that the convention centre (CC) where the meeting is held is only a 2 minute-walk away. As such, I decided to leave the hotel a bit late Monday morning considering how near the CC is. Oh! it was the longest 2-minute walk in my life!! Not only the brochure lied, it took me close to 15 minutes using the shortest possible route to get to the CC. Hanj... Gilerrr..... This is definitely a form of misleading advertisement to attract people to stay at the hotel. Luckily, I arrived just in time, minutes before the meeting starts.

The meeting dragged on until eight at night. I almost die of boredom. As most shops close at 5:30 p.m. here in Perth, I resigned to the fact that the suffering will continue tonight. Takde tempat nak rayau. Nevertheless, as I was feeling terribly hungry, I went out alone to buy some dinner. A friend of mine earlier told me about a halal restaurant nearby. So, I walked there.
On my way there, I stopped by at a souvenir store, 'Australian Reflections', as it was the only store that was yet to close. To my surprise, the owner of Australian Reflections is a Malaysian. I bought some souvenirs for NM and NA. They have requested me to get them 'kangaroo' sorang seekor, bley?

Lepas shopping aku pegi Oleh-Oleh Restaurant yang aku cakap halal tadi tu. Aku tapau Nasi Goreng Kampung (terasa agak KG waktu ni... ye lah! perlu ke datang Ostolia tapi makan nasi goreng KG...aiyooo). Lepas tapau, terus balik ke bilik... makan sambil melayan sms kengkawan dan browse internet sebab dah mati kutu. Yang penting internet charges kat hotel ni memanglah mahal tahap cipan, A$11 untuk sejam, A$14 untuk 3 jam and A$22 untuk 24 jam.... terbanglah dalam RM200 untuk 3 hari punya internet. Sekian.

1 comment:

Mya said...

tak sabar nak tunggu kangaroo tuuu.... eh silap, tak sabar nk tunggu abg long blk bwk kangaroo.. i love u, abg long.. muahs muahss...