Home Sweet Home...

2 August 2007

Pagi-pagi lagi aku dah bangun mengemas baju nak balik. Takut tak sempat. Flight pukul 4:30 p.m. Tapi ada meeting in the morning until 11:00 a.m. So selesai mengemas and bersiap, aku terus pegi meeting. Meeting berjalan lancar. Pukul 11:00 a.m. sharp aku cabut from meeting and balik hotel.

Lepas tukar baju to a casual look. Aku pun checked-out dari hotel dalam pukul 12:00 tengah hari. Kat check-out counter, aku diberitahu yg total bill = A$920. Eh! heran pulak aku sebab A$920 tu cuma untuk room charges. What about the charges for internet connection for the past 3 days? The total should be A$986 instead. So kelam kabut lah si minah cashier ni called dia punya engineer to find out what happened. Memang aku punya internet subscription takde dalam bill. So, the hotel finally decided to waive the charges. (kalau kat Malaysia, mesti aku kena charge jugak!)

Lepas checked out, aku tinggal semua luggage kat Rydges' store room sebab aku nak pegi ke Myer (a famous shopping mall kat Perth ni) untuk beli collared t-shirt for my bro. Souvenir untuk HA, ZAG and AAA pun belum beli lagi. Tapi aku punya back-up plan, beli tie je kat airport... Sampai kat Myer , aku terus ke men's department. Memandangkan aku dah tau apa yg aku nak, so kejap je lah aku kat Myer. Tak sedar aku ada missed call from NSY, and 1 sms also from her... alamak...ada benda urgent ke? luckily she was just responding to my earlier email pasal meeting kat San Francisco...

Lepas pusing-pusing kat Myer, aku pun balik ke hotel untuk ambik luggage. Aku minta concierge to call a cab for me. Dalam pukul 1:30 ptg, taxi pun sampai. Perjalanan ke airport ambik masa lebik kurang 35-40 minit, aku rasa larr... tak perasan sebab sibuk bersembang dengan cab driver. Sampai kat airport terus aku checked in.
Lepas tu, aku pegi shopping membeli tie untuk kengkawan... aku sempat pusing-pusing kat free duty free shops tapi tak jumpa apa2 yg menarik pun. Sebab dah separa kebulur, aku singgah makan fish-n-chips kat one of the cafes kat airport. Lepas selesai makan, baru aku masuk ke departure area and tunggu for boarding. For the first time aku dapat seat 1A.... which is paling depan and dah dekat dengan cockpit. Flight from Perth to Kuala Lumpur takes about 5 hours and 15 minutes. I had snapper for dinner. Aku juga layan movie 'The Hoax'. Lepas layan movie, aku belek-belek Going Places magazine.

For the first 2 hours, we were flying into clear skies and the weather forecast for Kuala Lumpur was just as optimistic. But subsequently after that, we experienced moderate turbulence all the way to Malaysia-Singapore border. Tapi sebab dah selalu sangat experienced turbulence, dah tak heran sangat. The worst turbulence would normally be somewhere near Japan. Sampai je KLIA, aku cepat-cepat ambik taxi untuk balik rumah. Sampai rumah dah dekat tengah malam (besok nak keje pulak ni), tapi teramatlah lapar. Lepas tinggalkan luggage kat rumah, aku keluar cari burger kat depan rumah. Balik rumah, makan burger, mandi, sembahyang lepak kejap and zzz...

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