Today, I Turn 32

12 September 2007

Today, I turn 32. I don’t even mind turning 32 coz I’m h
aving such a good time. I mean, it helps that everyone around me are at least 5 to 10 years older than me at work... (mati aku kena serang lepas ni)..hehe. But generally, I think it’s okay being 32 and single if you’re happy with your life, content with who and where you are, and are surrounded by good friends.

Sejak semalam lagi sms tak berhenti-henti masuk wishing me well for my birthday. Selalunya tak meriah macam ni... ramai sangat ke orang yang ingat my birthday? Terharu gak lerr...heh heh. To me, birthday is not such a big thing... it is just another day in your aging process. It is not like semalam aku 16, and tetiba hari ni terus jadi 32.

Kat atas meja aku pagi ni dah ada cards and gifts from dear friends/colleagues. Thank you so much. Susah-susah aje. After sending them a quick thank you message, I had to concentrate on work. Banyak sangat outstanding work yang aku nak tengok.

NAMN pulak dari semalam lagi dok ajak lunch and I sensed something fishy.. Aku ni, while suka sangat celebrate birthday orang, tapi tak suka bila orang celebrate birthday aku. Mainly because ada elements of surprise (the cake, the singing, etc)... yang membuatkan aku tak comfortable. Yelah... aku ni kan control freak, and therefore would always want to be in control.

Tapi aku setuju jugak dengan lunch invitation tu, coz lepas LDP tu aku nak lerr kurangkan my controlling behavior ni sikit. To be a better person kann...

We went to an eating place kat Hartamas yang namanya aku dah tak berapa ingat (pakcik dah tuo ni). Makanan yang dihidangkan ialah masakan negeri sembilan. Aku tumpang NSK ke restaurant to... TQ NSK. Bila we all sampai, NAMN, SN, RA, HA, RMM dah sampai. Haz je belum. Tetiba si HA keluar from dapur with the birthday cake. Thank you all for the wonderful treat. Makanan kat sini memang sedap. Something different. Cuma bau tempoyak tu je yang aku kureng sket!

Lepas lunch, balik ke office bertungkus lumus lagi. I had a meeting at 3:30 p.m. At 5:00 p.m. ada another celebration kat my department. Makan lagi. And another cake. Nasib baik le besok dah puasa... hehe. Thank you all...Continued with work until about seven. Lepas maghrib, aku planned nak balik terus. Normally, I would have another makan2 session disebelah malamnya, tapi sebab besok puasa... I thot balik buat terawih larr lagi afdal. On the way back pulak, terserempak dengan HA. We decided nak pegi dinner dulu...we agreed to go somewhere near Ampang and ended up kat Wong Solo. After dinner (which HA belanja... thanks bro), HA hantar aku balik.

Otak pun dah letih, so aku planned to nap for 1 hour.

Sedar, sedar dah pukul 4 pagi. Kelam kabut lah aku dengan Isyak and Terawih. Ada lagi 5 sms yg masuk with wishes. For Sahur, aku just minum air jerr... Selamat berpuasa.

1 comment:

Mya said...

happy birthday, bro..