Temptation of Ramadhan

17 September 2007

This morning
, AAA surprised me when he bought me a Mountain Morph Pump - a state of the art frame mounted bicycle pump. Thank you so much, bro. Nevertheless, as at now, I haven't got the foggiest idea on how to use the pump as it looks too canggih for my bike...hehe. I will only find out after Raya as I don't cycle during fasting month...takut pengsan kat Lake Garden :p

Hari ni, as usual, I was occupied throughout the day with meetings and work assignments. But the thought of having to 'buka puasa' at our cafe no longer seems attractive to me. I wanted to eat out.

For the first 4 days of Ramadhan, I was able to resist the temptation of indulging myself in Ramadhan buffets. However, the temptation failed me today. While I do agree that gorging on an extravagant buffet at the end of the day defeats the purpose of Ramadhan, such practice has become an accepted culture in Malaysia as it offers us the perfect setting for family and friends to gather.

I made a reservation at the Legend Hotel's D'atas Brasserie for 'buka puasa'. Dalam pukul 6:15 pm, aku and RS left the office and headed straight to the Bandaraya LRT station. Tak sibuk pulak LRT station petang ni... In less than 20 minutes, we all dah sampai kat the Legend Hotel. Tak ramai pun orang kat sini, meja kosong pun banyak... There are 70+ dishes served... sampai tak tau nak makan apa.... Sebab dah sampai awal, we just lepak and omong-omong kosong sampai waktu berbuka. Aku berbuka dengan some appertizers... and makan serba-sedikit. Baru je berbuka, boss aku called from office to inform me that I have to attend a meeting in the United States bulan Oktober ni. Yang leceh tu aku kena bertolak from KLIA on 16 October 2007, which falls on raya ke-4. Tak Raya lah aku tahun ni... The news dampened my appetite... makan sikit2 je. We then went for prayer and tapau Starbucks. We went back to office as I needed to do some work. Dalam pukul 10:30 p.m. baru balik rumah.

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