and a Control Freak too....

4 September 2007

Today, we also received a personalised FIRO-B Report. The FIRO-B tool measures interpersonal needs in 3 areas namely inclusion, control and affection. The FIRO-B tool scores you on a scale of 0 to 9. And guess what? I scored 8 and 9 in 5 out of 6 areas indicating high interpersonal needs in all those areas.

My overall score of 45/54 falls in the high range. This suggests that:
  • My involvement with others is enjoyable and satisfying
  • I work best in a group, interacting with others.
  • I like to work on teams and to solve problems through discussions.
  • I prefer to be with others and have plenty of social interaction.
  • I am an extrovert.

The group exercise which was videotaped, further confirmed my controlling behavior after we reviewed the tape. I was seen taking charge of the group discussion in the tape. Through this exercise, I learned to be aware of how my action affects others and therefore would allow me to take the necessary corrective actions.

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