Los Angeles vs. New York vs. Washington D.C.

19 September 2007, Wednesday

Traveling arrangement to attend a meeting in Washington D.C. needs to be finalised ASAP. As the meeting starts on 18 October 2007, I need to arrive there on 17 October 2007. Unfortunately, there's no direct MAS flight to New York on 16 October. If I take the one on 15 October, I will arrive 2 days early and therefore need to stay overnight either in D.C. or in New York. Alternatively, I can fly direct to Los Angeles on 16 October and either stay overnight there or connect immediately to D.C. By connecting immediately, I'll be able to reach D.C. in the early hours of 17 October. Initially, I was tempted to stay overnight in either LA or NY. I'm quite familiar with both places coz I used to study in Southern California back in 1993/1994 as well as spent a month in NY during a winter holiday in 1995. So I thought it would be nice to pay either place a visit. This trip to D.C is going to be my third visit to the US this year (balik kampung pun tak kerap macam ni...). I was in San Francisco in January and in Washington D.C. in April.

I have finally decided to fly via Los Angeles, connecting immediately to D.C so that I have more time to prepare for the meeting in D.C.

What pisses me off is the fact that I have to apply for a new visa. I'm currently holding type A2 visa which allows me to enter US for trade negotiation purposes.
My visa is still valid until end 2008. For this meeting, I was told that I need the type G2 visa. Buang masa betul!

Aku half day lagi pagi ni... I needed to run a few errands. Lagipun cuti banyak lagi.

Hari ni aku plan nak buka puasa dengan geng biasa... Hasrat hati nak pegi Islamic Arts Museum kat Lake Garden tu. I quite like the setting that they have there. Makanan pun boleh tahan. Yang boleh pegi cuma, NM, MZ dan aku. NA balik buka bersama keluarga. RS pulak dah janji dengan bebudak lain.

Dalam 6:35 p.m., aku, MZ and NM dah sampai. Mak ai... awallah pulak.
Takde orang pun lagi. So we all lepak by the glass wall menikmati keindahan sekeliling... sambil bersembang-sembang.

Dah dekat pukul 7 baru masuk ke restaurant.
Memang malam ni takde orang pun... (belum gaji kot). In total tak sampai pun 20 orang. So makanan memang lah banyak... I quite like the briani and segala masakan daging yang ada. Salmon pun not bad...cuma rasa a bit dry. Banyaklah Mediterranean dishes. Kuih muih melayu pun ada. Desserts pulak ada sago gula merah, bubur kacang, cakes, etc. Cuma satu jek... minuman dia semua manis 'melecass'. Kena sendiri tambah air.

Lepas berbuka, we all took turns pegi Maghrib and sambung makan lagi. Lepas tu NM and MZ sent me back to office sebab masih ada keje yg belum beres. Lambat lagi balik hari ni... :(

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