One Fine Day, errr...Not Quite

17 July 2007

It has been a very productive day today... I’ve managed to clear a bunch of memos relating to various ongoing trade negotiations. Nevertheless, the key challenge of undertaking proper CBA remains (CBA serves as one of the basis in policy formulation). Not that I do not have the expertise within my section – tapi everybody is just overwhelmed with too many things to do at once – everyone is overstretched….

We drove out for lunch…errr…HA drove…aku and ZAG menumpang. We often frequent the ‘ikan bakar’ joint kat Bukit Aman = Tang Ling. And today was no different. When the 3 of us get together, memasing mulalah merepek tahap cipan… with certain hot topics dominating the discussion…..

After office, aku and gang decided to cycle again. Hari ni kali ke-3 mengayuh basikal dari office ke Lake Garden... (walaupun basikal dah beli 12 hari) pergi bertiga dengan si HA and JL. Sakit-sakit bontot dan belakang yang dialami pada hari pertama pun dah kurang lah....

We decided to try a new route lepas cycled along my “cuci mata” route = jogging lane. We then cycled along the road leading to the Bird Park. Mak ai! Some of the bukit(s) teramatlah tinggi sampai tak larat nak kayuh….

Came back home at about 10 p.m. Took a quick look at the draft speech for Boss Besar (BB). The speech needs further improvements…tapi sebab dah tak larat….besok je lah sambung. *Ada incident haru-biru malam ni.... tengoklah kalau rajin, aku buat special entry on this*

Sedar2 dah pukul 4:30 pagi…tido kat sofa je kerana teramatlah letih. Dinner pun tak sempat. Sekian


tipahvogue said...

abg long, mana entry haru biru tu?

Must Not Be Named said...

Entry haru biru belum tulis larr...