Perut Hijau!

8 December 2007

"Perut Hijau" is a description of me given by a friend from the North. Kalau kat utara, bila kita cakap seseorang tu "perut hijau"... maksudnya orang tu tak berhati perut... or some say hati kering. To a certain extent, that description is reflective of me.

As I sit by myself and ponder this topic, aku tahu yang aku ni "perut hijau" in 2 ways. Firstly, I can be direct and say whatever I have in mind which on a number of occasions have hurt people around me. Secondly, I can also be a "perut hijau" by totally ignoring the person as if the person no longer exists in my life.

At the onset, allow me to clarify yang aku selalunya tak ada prasangka ke atas orang. Aku cuba berkawan dengan seramai yang mungkin, try to assist in anyway I can bila diaorang kesusahan and selalu bersedia untuk mendengar dan memberi pendapat bila diperlukan. But I really cannot tolerate people who are pretentious and/or not honest in befriending me... ataupun yang berkawan semata-mata hendak mencapai sesuatu hajat. Aku juga cepat rimas, when someone is too clingy (baca entry on 'bila nak kahwin?') or needy. I may have hurt a close friend today bila aku bagitau dia yang aku rimas dengan SMSes yang tak berhenti-henti (I am to be blamed as well sebab melayan for the past few days... mainly to show my support sbb dia ada masalah sikit). Ada juga, a number of old friends yang dah bertahun tak pernah contact have suddenly contacted me asking for favors when they know that aku currently memegang jawatan yang agak penting. Hmm... I guess, life is like that.

I consider myself quite liberal and I don't choose my friends based on gender, religion, race, status or sexual orientation. But there must be mutual respect between us as friends. Most of the time, a friendship is lost because I can no longer respect him/her as a friend for the reasons stated above, or vice versa. I hope, for those of you reading my blog, that our respects for each other remain intact and this friendship have enriched us and allowed us to be wiser. For those who feel that our friendship has been lost, I wish you the best and hope somewhere, somehow and sometime in the future, the friendship bond we used to have can be rekindled. Wassalam.

Maybe, I am not so "Perut Hijau" after all... :-p

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