Bila Nak Kahwin?

8 December 2007

At my tender age of 32 (tender sudahnya!!), I can't run away from people asking, "Bila nak kahwin?". For example, harini aku ada kenduri kahwin kat Cheras Perdana. Yang kahwinnye adik kepada kenalan aku. Aku ended up duduk dengan this one Makcik, her husband dan mungkin juga dia punya 2 cucu(s). Dah le tak kenal sesapa pun kat wedding ni, except my friend.... tapi yang penting Makcik tu tetap tanya aku "dah kahwin ke belum?", and when I said "belum", she asked "bila nak kahwin?". Memang lah ini soalan favorite di tempat kenduri dan di hari raya. Besok, I have another wedding to attend... we shall see whether I'll get asked the same question.

My personal take on this is...

I'm happy the way my life is right now. I'm committed to my career and would like to do more kebajikan. Helping out anak yatim would be something that I would like to do more... (currently just buat periodic donations je).

I'm an extrovert... suka bergaul and all, but I always like to spend time alone doing things I like. I like having the freedom to meet with people I like, participate in many activities as well as having the freedom to go back to an empty apartment, be able to pick-up a book and read quietly or watch my favorite movies without interruptions. And I have no problem staying single (at least at this point in time lah....).

So, for those out there yang bersungguh-sungguh trying to help me out mencari jodoh... tak payah lah susah-susah. You know who you are. All these years, I've seen suka-duka my family, tengok sedara mara and sahabat handai. Banyak yang porak peranda, although ada juga yang bahagia sentiasa. At this point in time, I'm not even ready to consider when or will I ever get married. You are welcome to continue asking, but do not hope for a positive answer from me in the near future. I'm not even looking at this point in time. Nevertheless, we shall revisit this issue sometime in the future ;-)


AdanyaKauUntukku said...

O ... kawin jgn tak kawin...kalau single srkang happy.....nanti dah berdua lagik me....
tak semestinya bila dah kawin..kite kena stopkan sumer aktiviti sebelum kawin....hehheheh

little miss said...

just randomly typing bila nak kawen on google, then boom! jumpe your blog. it was great to read your opinion cause I feel the same way too..LOL.

little miss said...

btw, can i quote your opinion?