Home Improvements...

10 January 2008

For the past 2 weeks, I've been making minor improvements to my apartment to improve quality of living. Such improvements include installing all-in-one (fax, copier, scanner and printer) machine to allow me to work from home, installing cabinets to previously almost empty kitchen and of course my recent purchase of Nintendo Wii game console.

Two days ago I bought myself a spanking brand new HP w2207h HDMI monitor. HP w2207h is a monitor with extreme resolution at 1680 x 1050 for bright, awesome graphic quality. It is perfect for videos, photo editing or gaming on your PC. What I like the most is its 22" widesreen.

All I need to do now is to connect the monitor to my Compaq Presario laptop, and I no longer have to suffer the agony of working on an 11" laptop. With a set of wireless mouse and keyboard, I no longer have to physically use the laptop. I'm loving it!!

1 comment:

Rizal Rizal said...

Wah! congratulations on the new purchases. That leave gigantic 52" bravia telly on your wish list.:-))