PadaMu ku Bersujud...

24 Oktober 2011

Hari-hari kebelakangan ini mengajar aku erti kedewasaan. Dari mata seorang sahabat, aku mengenal erti sebuah pengorbanan, erti kekecewaan, erti perjuangan, erti persahabatan dan yang paling penting mengenal semula kebijaksanaan dan kekuasaan Allah s.w.t, Tuhan sekalian alam.

Pengalaman sahabatku telah mengejutkan aku dari kealpaan. Walaupun berbeza pengalaman dan ranjau hidup, aku juga telah alpa daripada memenuhi tuntutanNya akibat keghairahan memenuhi tanggungjawab duniawi, . Hiba bila difikirkan kebijaksanaan yang dikurniakan ini tidak digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya untuk lebih mendekatiNya.

Namun, aku bersyukur kerana pertolongan Allah ini telah membuka mata ku dengan lebih luas untuk hidup lebih berpaksikan agama Allah. Mungkin transformasi diri yang aku alami ini tidak se-drastik yang aku harapkan, namun ianya merupakan satu langkah ke hadapan buatku.

Dari mata kasar yang memandang, mungkin aku masih seperti diriku yang lama, namun biarlah, itu kata orang. Catatan blog ini bukan bertujuan untuk mempertonton keimanan yang cuma baru sejengkal, ianya sekadar satu rujukan untuk hari tua ku, agar aku sentiasa beringat-ingat.

Untuk sahabatku, aku turut mendoakan agar kau temui jalan yang terbaik buat mu dan kebahagiaan yang engkau cari. Amin.

Looks Like I Have to Bid Farewell to My Blackberry Bold 2

9 October 2011

It's 1:00 a.m. on 10 October 2011. I'm desperately trying to resuscitate my dying blackberry by performing a restore process. Its screen went blank after I dropped it on a cement floor inside Bora Ombak about an hour ago. Should all efforts fail tonight, I guess my only option is to visit the trusted Uncle Low Yat for his help after office tomorrow

Yesterday was quite a hectic day. I had badminton in the morning with the usual gang + RS. RS decided to join us to practice for the upcoming tournament that he'll be participating in. I was quite pleasantly surprise to see that RS can actually play. Takde lah superstar, but given the predicament he is in, he is not bad at all. As for me, I certainly hope that I do not have to take part in the tournament this year. I have neither the stamina nor the will ... so fingers crossed!

We were ready for lunch by 1:00 p.m. As KAH was also in town, we decided to get together for lunch. Bumbu Desa seemed like a good choice considering that some of us were starving. We went to the one at the Curve. We ordered quite a lot for the 3 of us to feast on. Post lunch, ke mana lagi if not Starbucks. :-)

(makan tak ingat)

KAH who is recovering from surgery seems to be progressing quite well. That's good news. After coffee and a series of controversial chats that we had, we went back to office before heading home.

At 9:00 p.m, I had another appointment at Bora Ombak with 4 gentlemen, of whom one is a friend of mine. They wanted my advice on an investment opportunity which appeared to be a scam. So, crisis averted!

After the meeting, I decided to stay on and enjoy a glass of 'monkey mocha'. The blackberry incident took place just as I was about to leave Bora Ombak. No regrets, I just have to be careful next time.

At Peace With Myself...

8 October 2011

I'm blogging again after two years. That's an achievement in itself. But that's not what I want to talk about....

I'm blessed! Allah has given me many things in life - that sometimes I feel undeserving of those blessings. While I do work hard for my career, the same cannot be said with regard to my preparation for the hereafter. There has been too much over focus on work - that I have neglected my relationship with God, while at the same time I continue to receive His blessings. It's like receiving gifts without saying thank you. How rude! So something has to change.

As I turned 36 this year, I began to reflect on my past choices and started to ponder the kind of life journey that I would like to have moving forward. While I certainly do not regret past decisions that brought me here, I certainly need to visit some of the outstanding issues put on hold in the past. The issues of life companion, growing old, relationship with God and my contribution back to my family and the society are some of the key agenda that I would like to address in the next few years. Career wise, I will also be undertaking new assignments early next year. Hence a comprehensive personal blueprint/transformation plan is necessary to ensure successful outcomes.

I'm grateful to a friend who is undergoing his own personal transformation (and to God's wisdom) for the many words of wisdom and advice. At last I'm moving in a direction to be at peace with myself to build my own life, a life that I know will not be perfect by any means, but will be based on principles that I uphold and things that matter to me. InsyaAllah, with blessings from Allah, things will be fine. Till next time :-)